
domingo, 23 de junho de 2013

Interview with the "Captain" John Barrowman

NOTA: Segue a entrevista, em inglês, que fiz junto com a Louise Duarte, para o portal Tabula Rasa, com o ator britânico John Barrowman. Quem quiser ler a versão em português, leia no Tabula Rasa 'De “Doctor Who” a “Arrow, John Barrowman conta em Entrevista Exclusiva como começou sua carreira'.

John Barrowman born in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Actor, singer, dancer and writer. Moved to the U.S. with his family when he was eight. He first lived in Aurora, Illinois, then his family moved to Joliet.

When 'Doctor Who' was revived, he came on board as recurring guest character Captain Jack Harkness, a time traveller from the 51st century. And Captain Jack became so popular, he was given his own show, Torchwood.

Recently he attended to 'Arrow' as Malcolm Merlyn, the show's version of the DC villain Merlin the Archer.

Interview with John Barrowman, by Louise Duarte and Anny Lucard:

1-How Your acting career started?
Oh, I’ve been performing since I was about four when I’d sing at my parents’parties in their house in Scotland, but my first professional acting job was as an extra in Brian De Palma’s “The Untouchables”in 1987…it was a “butt”part rather than a bit part–all you see is my back.
I’ve also got a long track record of acting and performing in London’s West End and on Broadway. Of course, all of that was before landing the role of Captain Jack in “Doctor Who.”If you’re interested in more about how I got started, my first book “Anything Goes”has lots of great stories from my career and my family.

2-How was the invitation to guest on Doctor Who back in 2005? Were you a fan before?
I grew up watching “Doctor Who”so I was thrilled when I was asked to audition for the part of Captain Jack. Playing Jack changed my life.

3-How was Jack's transition between Doctor Who and Torchwood? Did you think the character changed much?
I think Captain Jack’s character got a little darker in “Torchwood,”but that was also because the nature of the show was darker. I also think audiences were able to see more sides of Captain Jack in Torchwood…the fighter, the lover, the hero and, at times, the anti-hero.

4-In Torchwood, Jack have a different relationship with each member of his team. But in some moments of season 1 and 2, we can see that maybe they had something more. What do you think about that?
I agree with that! Jack loved each of his team in different ways.

5-Did you think that Jack and Ianto's love would make so much success to the point the fans ask for Ianto's return?
I love and appreciate how much the relationship between Jack and Ianto has affected fans and continues to affect them.

6-In the 2oo8's Comic Con Doctor Who panel, the producers said you "stole"some items from the set. What was?
Don’t tell anyone, but I “borrowed”one or two items from Jack’s desk on set.

7-Your character in "Arrow" started small and then started growing in the show. Did you know about the character's path when you received the scripts?
When I started on “Arrow”I knew the general arc of Malcolm’s story.

8-How was to develop the fatherly side of Malcolm Merlyn since the character is so complex and dark?
The great thing about Malcolm’s character is that he’s so multi-dimensional... I love the challenge of capturing all those aspects of his character and being part of his evolution. There’s so much depth to him.

9-You have a musical career in the theater and even in movies but it's been a while you don't do anything like that besides "All Stars". Do you miss it? Do you have any plans to do a new musical project?
I love what I’m doing right now, but I’m always looking forward and I’d love to do some kind of musical project in the future. At the moment I’m filming ABC’s “Sing Your Face Off”which is very different from playing Malcolm on “Arrow,”but just as challenging and just as much fun.

10-Besides "Arrow", are you with any other TV, Movie or stage projects? Can you talk about?
Oh, lots of things in the works…you’ll just have to wait and see.

Thanks for the interview.


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